Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bye-bye car

Its finally happened. My car died a glorious and smoke filled death. It didn't go silently either. I think it wanted to end this way, it was tired. (I'm just glad I didn't drive to the camping party of the week before. A car with a destroyed engine wouldn't have been a good thing-not on a longish drive like that.) After I got home, I had it towed and its going to be living in a junkyard with other little worn-out cars to keep it company.

So, for the moment, I'm without a car. It won't be too bad though. Fortunately for me, Brad and I work at the same place...so I can have him give me rides to work, and I don't even feel bad for asking. (Boyfriends are good that way.)

Then later this week, I'll be off to the bank to see if I can get a loan. My credit isn't perfect, so I'm hoping its good enough. I don't want a huge amount, so that'll be helpful. I haven't looked at cars yet-but want to see what I can get, and find something in that price range. If the bank won't give me money, I'm sure I can find a car dealership that will. I know they're kinda hurting for sales right now, so its totally a buyers market. I'm not going to get a brand new car though-I don't want to spend that much on one. I'm crossing my fingers that I can get something in the $5000-$6000 range though. That would give me something nice. Yay! (Though I can't complain about my last car-under $2000 and it lasted a little over 5 years.)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What a wonderfully bad thing!

I just got sent a link to Pandora. And I'm hooked. Its the most fantastic thing ever! No more hauling my ipod and its charger to work. I can just type in whoever I feel like listening to, and it'll play them and all sorts of other artists for me. My wishlist of cds is growing at a frightening rate. Yay! If you haven't check Pandora out yet, try it. Very very cool.

And speaking of cds, I got the 9 cds I ordered to use up my free ones saved up from BMG (they're shutting down and moving to some other sort of cd club thing). Putting them on my computer is a whole lot harder now that I can't just have iTunes pull up the playlist. All that typing. Boo!

Sad thing...I've run out of storage room for my cds now. I've been stacking them on top of the tower thing. Funny part...I didn't think I'd ever fill it up. =) I think I'm going to purge some of my books, and fill a piece of a bookcase with overflow cds. Either that or I have to buy more furniture, and my apartment is getting full.

I've decided on tacos for my Saturday party. Yay! I'm going to be a complete nut, and make up some party cds for it. A nice mix of various Latin stuff, goes so well with tacos.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Last Saturday was Mel's 30th birthday party (I gave her a hatchet for her birthday). Camping. In Northern Minnesota. And while I can't complain too much, it was a bit colder and windier than I would have liked. (I can't complain because my parents and brother were also camping-in Wisconsin-and they got snowed on.)

It was a lovely party though. Lots of fire, and there was plenty of fire-poking opportunities. Yay! Along with a beautiful, soft, and friendly doggy to play with. And stuff to eat.

Fortunately for me, I didn't drive. So I was able to sleep on the way home. Then go home and sleep some more. And later, a little more sleep.

I still haven't unpacked, and my apartment is getting really bad. (Since I haven't put things away from my trip to Green Bay for scrapbooking fun the weekend before.) It has to be done though. I can't stand looking at it...just need to force myself to be home and all by myself and pick things up. Especially because I'm having a party on Saturday. Wheeee! Its a good thing I volunteer for things like that-it really makes me force myself to clean up a bit.

Now I just need to decide what to do for this party. I'm thinking taco bar of some sort. Rather than grilling-more prep work, but less work when the party is happening. And I like tacos. I'll have to look through my cook books, maybe there's a better something to do also. But first clean. Blargh!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy May 5th!

Somehow it doesn't have the same ring as Cinco de Mayo. One sounds like a great celebration, and the other like a crazy person telling you what day it is. Amazing how a different language can make its sound so much more cool.

For those of you who might not know, Cinco de Mayo is the date the Mexican army defeated the French. (Not Mexico's Independence Day.)

To make this holiday even more absurd....its not even really celebrated in Mexico (at least not nationally-there are some regional little parties). Its mostly celebrated here in the US.

All that aside....Happy Cinco de Mayo! Just like St. Patrick's Day (where everyone is Irish), everyone is Mexican today. So grab a taco, and a margarita the size of your head, because I certainly will. Its time to Fiesta!