Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Last Saturday was Mel's 30th birthday party (I gave her a hatchet for her birthday). Camping. In Northern Minnesota. And while I can't complain too much, it was a bit colder and windier than I would have liked. (I can't complain because my parents and brother were also camping-in Wisconsin-and they got snowed on.)

It was a lovely party though. Lots of fire, and there was plenty of fire-poking opportunities. Yay! Along with a beautiful, soft, and friendly doggy to play with. And stuff to eat.

Fortunately for me, I didn't drive. So I was able to sleep on the way home. Then go home and sleep some more. And later, a little more sleep.

I still haven't unpacked, and my apartment is getting really bad. (Since I haven't put things away from my trip to Green Bay for scrapbooking fun the weekend before.) It has to be done though. I can't stand looking at it...just need to force myself to be home and all by myself and pick things up. Especially because I'm having a party on Saturday. Wheeee! Its a good thing I volunteer for things like that-it really makes me force myself to clean up a bit.

Now I just need to decide what to do for this party. I'm thinking taco bar of some sort. Rather than grilling-more prep work, but less work when the party is happening. And I like tacos. I'll have to look through my cook books, maybe there's a better something to do also. But first clean. Blargh!

1 comment:

Mel said...

Thank you and Brad again so much for coming up! ... I wonder where the hatchet ended up? I know it got in the car, but don't know where in our house it is. Hmm.
