Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Rainbows, rainbows everywhere! Rainbows, rainbows, in my cupboard!

Yay! Between Christmas and my birthday (which did Not happen this year...nope...just a figment of someone else's imagination), I got two more settings of my wonderful Fiesta dishes. And my rainbow is complete now! Wheee! I now have a set each of red, orange, yellow, green and blue flatware has purple handles. It truely is a thing of beauty and so me.

Christmas also saw me with a Belgium waffle maker in my hot little hands. I promptly tried it out the next day. This could be a bad thing...but oh so good! They really are just too easy to make, and so very very yummy. It isn't even bad to clean out the waffle thingy.

I was very surprised to see my fallen tree (well, its not fallen over any more, but it sounds nicer to call it a fallen tree) still had water in its stand when I got back. I was away for 4 days, so I was expecting it to be a dried up crispy dead thing-like usual. That meant I didn't have to take it down right away. Yay! I think its trying to make up for its attempt to break everything.

Got my hair done last night after work. Its fantastic! So shiny and what a lovely shade of red! Yay! This cut is fabulous and I love it. Its been tamed back into the same cut I had last time. I'll be keeping it this way for a while. Wheee!

Hope eveyone has a lovely and safe New Year's Eve! I'll be rocking out to Paul and Lorraine at Charlie's tonight. But I plan on leaving before midnight. I just can't stay up that late, plus I'll be able to avoid the majority of drunken fools who are driving when they shouldn't be.


Dragonsally said...

Have a great time at the gig Amy = so envious!

Mel said...


Happy Birthday!


can't believe I forgot.

[sad face]


Amy said...

Sally-I never did make it to the gig. I decided it would be more fun to stay home covered up in all my blankets and sleep. Which is also what I did yesterday. I sure know how to have a good time!

I don't know what you're talking about Mel....there's no birthdays here anymore. =P