Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wreck the halls with falling trees....fa la la la laaaaa...

That's right, falling trees. Which, by the way, make Big Messes. In other words, my Christmas tree (which is quite large this year-reaches up to the ceiling-and my ceilings are fairly high) decided to take a little nap.

Fortunately for me, it lasted through my Christmas party on Saturday. (The party was great fun.) Sunday afternoon, it had enough standing around and very slowly tipped over. That was a new one for me, I've never had a tree fall down. Of course, you'd think that there had been an animal or kidlet climbing in it-or pulling on it...but you'd be wrong. It had also been up for over a week, so its not like the branches relaxed and pushed it away from the wall-and I didn't have it in the stand at an angle. So its a mystery to me why it fell over-other than just being tired. I still haven't picked up the ornaments that fell off. I did put the tree back up though-this time at an angle in the stand-pointing towards the corner-so if it decides to nap again-it should just lean into the wall. I also anchored it to the wall. We'll see if I managed to foil its evil plans. I'm tempted to take all its ornaments away and force it to wear ugly old socks instead. Cause I'm that sort of person.

On a brighter note-I believe I finished most of my Christmas I just have to hope that the delivery dates are right, and I actually get the presents before I need them. My cards are still sitting in a stack. Perhaps this year they'll be New Year's Christmas cards......again.....Hmmm...that seems to be a bit of a habit of mine. I'll bet the stuff I have to box up yet and get to the post office really don't make it in time. Yay me!


Dragonsally said...

Goblins. That's the answer. There were goblins in your tree.

I rather like the idea of a tree covered in socks.

Mel said...

my cards are still sitting in a stack as well.


Amy said...

Thanks Sally! I wanted to blame the tree falling on poukas-but in out family they just hide things. I'll try to distract the goblins by leaving bits of glitter everywhere. Oooh! Shiny!

Mel-I won't feel bad then that your card will most likely be late. You know, one of the nice things about you guys living north of matter how icky or cold it gets here-its always worse by you. And that makes me happy! Yay!

Amy said...

Arrrrgh! Out does not mean the same thing as our. Its and it's are two completely different things as well.