Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Check me out! I can type!

I hadn't realized how long I've gone without posting anything.

Apparently I've been busier than I thought or something. Yay! Or maybe it was all the beer I've been drinking.

Today, I'm sporting some shiny hair. Got it dyed and trimmed last night. And I look fantastic! Yay me! Talk about an ego boost. Everytime I get it freshly dyed, I have everyone at work telling me how good it looks. I always think it looks like My Little Pony hair. Which it does. Good thing I like ponies.

I had time last night to run into a Barnes and Noble and pick up a couple of new books. I immediately read one when I got home. Neil Gaiman's Graveyard Book. If you haven't read it yet, go buy it, or get it from a library. Its so good. Really the best thing I've read in a really long. I knew it would be good, all his work is...and I really knew it would be good with its shiny Newberry Award. But, even with all that it still completely blew me away. I didn't get home until late-ish last night, so it was close to my bedtime when I started reading it. And I just couldn't put it down. At least not until my eyes started crossing. So I took a little nap-and woke up to finish it before work. I don't think I could have come into work without knowing what happened to Bod.

Yay for Mr. Gaiman! I really need to make an effort to buy the rest of his books that I don't have. His books are always so very well written and make me think. For the most part, I read a book and toss it aside-and could read it a year later and not remember anything about it. His, I remember. I find myself thinking about them.

I've been making progress in getting back some skill at piano. I only had a couple of bad times with my hands hurting. (The last round of it-last week-was bad enough that I'm being careful.) Its hard to make myself stop when I want to keep playing. And I want to keep playing because I'm getting into the "fun" songs again. Rather than the easy-peasy ones. Still have a lot of wrong notes, and stopping to find the right ones, but its coming along. Yay!

I was a bad girl and ventured into the gardening section in the store...and as a result I have two new plants to kill. Yay! So far neither one has shown signs of perhaps I've run into some more that enjoy my particular brand of neglect. (I picked up an orchid and a palm.) To go along with that-I was in my spare room yesterday, and saw my Christmas cactus actually has blossoms started! Yippeeee! It has never bloomed since I bought it, in fact I thought it looked like it was dying-leaves have been falling off. I'm definately ready for spring to come, and I can plant my outside boxes. I'm looking forward to more tomatoes than I can possibly eat, and perhaps some nice fresh herbs or peppers. Yummy yum! Not to mention all the pretty flowers.

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