Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Alas poor socks, I knew you well!

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away there was a sock. Not just any ordinary sock (after all ordinary socks don't get written about), but a glorious sock full of wonderful dreams and octopi. Even better, it had a twin. A perfect pair. Two wonderfully orange socks, skipping through life, sharing their happy rainbow of smiling cephalopods with world. Life was a fantastic journey for the loving friends, but like so many things truely beautiful, they weren't meant to live long in this world. They were trodden down with many stampings of feet and holes erupted in their heels. Their downfall was so sudden and unexpected. I thought they'd be with me forever. But no, they're off to join their blue monkey companions in the giant dryer in the sky.

I'll miss you socks.

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