Monday, November 3, 2008

Adventures with Whistles

As promised, a UPS box was waiting for me when I got home on Friday. Inside was my shiny new tin whistle. I've been playing with it a lot since then. I've progressed to make fewer horrid screeching noises out of it. (I knew my neighbors were going to love it!) Its quite different and harder to play than I had thought it would be. It'll take a lot more practice to get it under control. But, its do-able! And so much fun! The problem I'm having with it right now is that I used to play brass instruments...and with them, volume is controlled by how hard you blow. (Ha! Sounds so dirty.) And your embouchure controls the tone. With the whistle, tone is controlled by your breath. So far, I haven't been able to hear any difference in the note by changing the embouchure. Its turning out to be great fun. Once I master this one, I'm planning on getting more whistles in different keys. (They're made to play in one key-you need a different whistle for a different key.) Keys of course meaning which notes are sharp or flat. Should I turn out to be proficient in whistles, the ultimate plan is to try out a lovely wooden flute. Whistles being my gateway instrument to the flute. (I'm a touch afraid of the will be so very different from anything I've played.)

All this whistling (I probably put in about 9 hours of it over the weekend) has put a damper on my attempt at nano though. Well, I still could have made time to write more...but it just wasn't a priority for me this last weekend. I had better things to do...things like watch tv (the winner of everything I watched was Tin Man-I saw the first two parts-if you haven't seen it, go find it-its brilliant), take naps, read books, curse at the fact that I hardly got any trick-or-treaters, spend hours taking apart the treat bags I had assembled for them, play with yarn and eat candy. I think I'm going to put most of the blame on the candy though...I'm sure it put me into a sugar coma of some sort where all I was able to do was lounge about. It wouldn't have had anything to do with my laziness or habit of procrastinating with everything. Nope. Couldn't be that. So far I have a grand total of 3 words. Ha! Even isn't even 3 words that are going to stay, just a little reminder to me of what I picked to write about. (I've been tossing ideas around for a few days, and finally just picked one and will be going with that.) Since I'm sure you're curious three words are Sleeping Beauty Sucks. I've always hated that bitch and its time she got what she deserves!

Oh, back to the tv....I watched the opening of the Legend of the Seeker show. It was crap, I didn't like it...but I sat there continuing to watch it. For some reason, I was taking delight in how horrid I though it was. Then during commercials I was reading the book its based on. So, its a step above the tv version of the Mists of Avalon...which was so awful I couldn't watch it...but still a waste of time. I haven't quite decided if I dislike because its veered so far from the book (I wasn't expecting it to follow the story all that well), or if its also just bad tv. I'm going to have to keep watching it until I figure that out. I'm not a huge fan of the books, I have most of them...but after the first 3 or 4 it really started getting old...the story was just dragging on and there's no end in sight. (Rather the same as Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series...started out fantastic...but just didn't have the staying power for me.) With both of them, I feel like I should read them all, just because I have put in the time reading a lot of them (I read almost all of both of them), but I find myself just not caring what happens to any of the characters in them. Maybe I'm just not a fan of the "big" epic stories.

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