Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Curls, Curls Everywhere! Curls, Curls, In my Hair!

Yay! Since I haven't blogged about it yet, I figured its time. About a week and a half I chopped off all my hair. Well, technically Shari, from Design Affair chopped off all my hair. And to my surprise, this time it turned curly!? What's up with that? I've never had curly hair in my life! (She did tell me that happens to some people when they get older. I refrained from crying cause I'm turning old. It was hard.) So, now its a lovely shade of red again...instead of that icky natural color, and curly! Wheee! Its cut to about chin length, with layers and fun stuff. And I can do Things with it again. A little gel and let it be curly...a flat iron and make it straight...or some sort of mysterious thing and flip the ends out (which sound way too hard for me). I absolutely love the cut. In a lot of ways it reminds me of the haircuts that flappers had. Which makes me very happy. I really feel like I should go do naughty things and hang out in a speakeasy. Hee hee!

I've been working on getting some Christmas presents together for people. Making ornaments and stuff like that. So far this fall, my obsessive tendencies have really come out. First was the whole crocheted dishcloth thing. I now have 43 of them. (Which is ok, its not like they go bad.) Then I made 3 crocheted bags. This week so far, I've been making lace angels, 17 of them...and I ran out of lace. I'm not planning on buying more though, even though I have lots of the other bits that go into the angels...cause how many do I need? (And they're made out of stuff that mom had sitting in her garage...I'm trying to use it up.) Oh, and the count on dangley beaded ornaments is at 3 right now. I had to stop with them, I bruised the palm of my hand-my wire clippers are rather dull and I was using a thick wire on them. I have other wire clippers, but it involved getting up and finding them.

Then something bad has happened. Sort of. I was at a Goodwill last weekend. And I bought something I shouldn't have. The deluxe version of Sims (the first one). I started playing with it on Monday night. That game is a horrible time warp. I've made two people so far...Hunca Munca, and Peter Piper. Hunca is boring, apparently I didn't set her personality right. Peter is much more he managed to burn down his kitchen already. I don't think I'm going to play with Hunca anymore. In reality, I shouldn't be playing with any of them...I have other things to do. It has really cut into my sleepy time. So no more Sims this week for me.

Must clean and try to get ready for Christmassy fun times! Yay! That will be fun for me too. For some strange reason, I don't mind cleaning...even though I don't do it much. Its more of a satisfaction thing, when I see how nice it is. One room to go, then I can start on the floors.

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