Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Started my book for nanowrimo. (Yet another nano post...get used to it, its going to be occupying me all this month.) So far, its veered off the path I had started it on. Bright side, I think I came up with an idea for it to dash back to where its intended to go...and have it match up. In fact, its a rather brilliant idea...if I do say so myself, brings in a lot of continuity and motives.

Sad side, I still have no name for my main character, I'm not sure if she even has one at this point. I haven't got a clear idea of who she is yet, so all the dialog is very wooden, and the characters are all cardboard...and there's no emotion in it all. In fact, its a decent idea that's being ground down into a pile of crap. But that's ok, I went into this intending to write a steaming pile. The whole idea isn't to create something good, but just to create something. The nice thing, is I won't have time to go back and edit it as I go...that can come later, after its all written. Though in reality, I'll probably never do anything with it. I'm not intending to show this to anyone, just prove that I can do it. Its all for my own amusement. Its a good thing I'm easily amused.

I am a bit worried about my hands being able to take the abuse though....that's an awful lot of typing, after putting in a bit over 3000 words last night, my hands were aching and I couldn't get to sleep. I can see pain killers will become my friends this month.

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