Thursday, October 30, 2008

Things that go Bump in the Night

Halloween has been sneaking up on me this year. I have the treats, but completely forgot about a pumpkin and haven't put up my decorations yet. I'm going to try to get that all done tonight. Along with getting some food cooked and frozen. (And freezing more food is on the schedule for tomorrow night.) Because, starting midnight on Friday, I'm going to be starting my silly little book I'm going to attempt to write. Not to mention playing around with that whistle that is on schedule to be delivered Friday. I won't be willing to cook with all those other things to do. Eventually I'd get sick of oatmeal and start picking up prepackaged food...and I really should be eating up the meat from in my freezer-I need to make room-in case I get a deer this year. (I don't do the hunting, but if they get enough, my dad and brother give me one.)

Last night, I started doing a bit of reading of mythology stuff and fairy tales-just in case I can't think of something original to write my story about-I figured if I'm completely stumped, I could do a retelling of one. I came across the Pandora story. Its never made any sense to me at all. I think something got lost somewhere in that one. The whole thing, is that the gods made Pandora to punish man. She was supposed to be decietful and all the bad things that we women are. *big eyeroll here* All the gods gave her "gifts", and along with that, they gave her a box filled with all the evils of the world...and for some reason hope was in there. Why would hope be in the box of bad stuff? See...doesn't make sense! So the story goes on, that her curiosity got the better of her, she opened the box, and the evil escaped. She saw what she did and closed the box quickly, leaving hope the only thing left in there. Well....if that's the story...then there shouldn't be any hope in the world...right? Its still in the box! Arrrrrghhh! And WHY was it in there?!? I had to yell at the book after reading that. I've never been happy about that...but now, in my old age, it appears to make me furious.

I'm also toying with the idea of doing a retelling of Sleeping Beauty for my book. I was never happy with the way the "bad" fairy was protrayed. I tend to identify with the "evil" people/creatures in those stories. The "good" guys always seem so boring. What's the fun of being beautiful and kind and obedient and all that. Its our flaws that make us interesting. I just can't make myself cheer for some cardboard character.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

NaNoWriMo! Eeek!

I believe I did a silly thing yesterday...perhaps even sillier than buying a tin whistle to irritate my neighbors with. (Though I'm sure they're used to it...after all I hit my snooze button for about an hour every morning...I hate getting up.) I signed up for NaNoWriMo. Now, I never really had an urge to write a novel...and haven't really written anything since college. Add in that I'm trying to make a bunch of my Christmas presents, and learn to play that whistle....probably not the wisest decision.

So far, I've been trying to think of some way to be able to have enough story in me to write that many words...and have it still kind of go together. My good idea is to start with a normal story...when I run out of things to say...kill them all off and turn them into zombies. As far as a starting point...I'm toying with the idea of starting with one of my crazy dreams. (Last night's involved stepping into an alternate reality by climbing up the inside of a wall.) Its still an awful lot of words to write. Perhaps it'll turn into generations of zombies. Ha! Actually...that's rather amusing to me...maybe I'll do that. Hee hee hee! Still not sure where I'm going to carve out the time to do this. Granted I don't do much....we'll see how it goes.

Other than that...the swelling in my ankle has gone down some. Wheee! It probably would have disappeared a whole lot earlier if I hadn't been poking at it. It didn't hurt enough to make me leave it alone.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Two posts in one day! Wow!

Lately I've been really wishing I had a piano or keyboard of some sort. (And I will get one...eventually.) I don't have the spare money to pick up a decent one right now (I blew it all on furniture). So, I started trying to think of some sort of cheap instrument to buy and play around with. And....I just ordered an irish penny whistle thingy in D. Not that the key of it really matters, I'm just going to be playing it by myself. Yay! I feel pretty confident that I'll be able to figure how to play it good enough for me to have some fun. It doesn't look like it'll be too much different from playing brass instruments. As a bonus, I found a cheap one ($15) that has pretty decent reviews and comes with a little book on how to play it. That'll be enough for me to tell if I'll like, and I won't feel bad about if it turns out I don't have whistle skills. If I like it and can play it decently, I might learn to play one of those nice wooden flutes.

Ow my spleen!

Or in this case, my foot. Well, really the ankle.

Friday and Saturday nights I went to see Paul & Lorraine playing at Charlies pub in Stillwater. They're so fantastic and great. If you ever have the opportunity to see them, go. Great music, and was such a good time. And Charlie's is a great, great place. Good food, really good beer (yay for Guinness on tap!), nice atmosphere. I'm a fan of their kind of music...and am just in awe of their playing/singing skills. At one point I picked up a guitar and it was beyond my abilities to learn (my fingers and hand just couldn't do it-I think they're too destroyed to be able to handle the stress the guitar puts on them). So its always so amazing to me to see someone playing an instrument I wasn't able to. And then to play it so well! Yay! I'll be going back to hear them at every chance I can. At least I will until they start thinking I'm stalking them....then I'll have to go in disguise.

So back to my spleen. Saturday, when I was at Charlie's, my ankle start to hurt a little bit. Not badly...just enough to let me know it was there. I had thought I just had my boot tied to tightly. But then when I got home and took my boot off, my whole ankle was purpley-red and swollen. I must have bumped it funny, or twisted it a bit and not realized it. Its still a bit throbby, but not bad enough for me to have done some real damage to it. My coordination skills have apparently reached a new to injure myself just by sitting in a chair and occasionally walking around a little. (I wasn't drunk, so I can't even say it was one of the mystery injuries drunk people get.)

I've been having an obsession with crocheting dish cloths lately. I've been really bad with it...I even considered taking some yarn in my bag to the pub and working on it there. (Good thing about Charlie's being in smoking inside! So I could have taken yarn there and it wouldn't come back smelling all nasty. Yipee! That makes it so much nicer to go out...I won't go out to places in Wisconsin anymore-with Minnesota being close and so much more pleasant.) I resisted the urge...but it was hard.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I woke up this morning and hated everything

Ok, so it was last night...and not everything. But it did bring to mind that lovely line from Tomb Raider. (Or at least that's what I remember that line being.) I think I'll have to watch it again and see. Yay!

I couldn't sleep last night, so I decided to put clothes on and see what I wanted to wear today. (Eeek! Actually picking something out instead of just putting on whatever was on the top of the pile?!) Well, I hated it all. Every single piece in there. So, I'd put something on...and take it off in disgust...throw it on the floor and try something else, it all sucked. That means today I went shopping during my lunch time. I ended up with a couple of new shirts and a pair of jeans that I have to try to shrink in the dryer. (They're too big, but the next size down is too small.) I really need to try to do clothes shopping a little more often. I tend to wait until everything I have is worn out and I hate it all...then I have to buy a lot of new things all at once. Bright side-I really love one of my new shirts, its fantastic! Yay!

I've been on an insomnia kick for a few days now. That's been fun....only not so much. Tonight I'm going to try a couple of beers and see if that will help knock me out. Sometimes that works. If not, tomorrow it'll be time to bring out the drugs. I'm starting to look a little more dead than usually. But that's ok, corpse is a good look for me. Yay dark circles under my eyes that no concealor can hide. I've had my nice new comfy bed for almost 2 weeks, so I know that isn't the problem. Its my silly brain that just won't shut off. I'll teach it though...I'm going to kill off those meanie brain cells that just won't calm down. Ha ha ha!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fun, fun, fun!

This last weekend was super-fun! My mommy came over and we did many exciting things.

She was at my place waiting for me when I got home from work on Friday-she got there several hours before I was home and had already done a couple of loads of laundry and some dishes, as well as peeking around my apartment to see what new things I have since last time she was over. We went out for Chinese, which was very good (surprisingly good for how cheap it was). Even better-the place is just down the road from me-I took home a menu, so I can call ahead for take-out.

Saturday we ran to the library quick so I could send a couple of emails (I have no internet at home). And to our surprise they had a book sale going on! Yippee! I needed two more bags of books. I'm going to have to get another book shelf. Then we moved onto other exciting things...

Like going to thefarmer's market, the apple orchard, and making applesauce. Mom did lots of laundry and washed all the dishes. She also cleaned the ceiling fan/light fixture in the kitchen. Hee hee hee! Its nice when she comes over. We had a good time and the weekend went by way too quickly. Its a pity how that works.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


More tea has arrived. I suppose there's worse things to collect. It has become rather ridiculous though.

My apartment looks like a couple of garden fairies had a food fight in it. I made some hummus last night...and that always seems to dirty every dish I own. (One day I'll have a food processor and it will be so easy!) Add in remains of lots of cut up veggies....and mixings of the layered taco dip....mail....and stacks of pressies to mail to other people....and its really disgusting. There's a little party thing here at work today...and I forgot about it until about 8 last I had to hurry. Sure, I could have bought already made up hummus...and already cut up veggies...and didn't need to make a taco thing too....but that's no fun.

So...I was up late last night...and finished things up this morning. My hands still smell like celery and roasted garlic. Apparently the scent of them has soaked into them to the point where soap won't get it out. Good thing I have this cold and can't smell it too well.

Monday, October 6, 2008

What a Wonderful Weekend!

Its the first time since August that I've had a weekend to myself. I've really been missing that. I'm really not that fond of being around people. Though, most of it was with mom and dad, and that was ok. They both are able to be around someone and not constantly talk. I like the quiet. Its still not the same as being alone though...I always did like being by myself. But that's because I'm so cool. I always want to do what I want to do.

Well, I completed two doggies sweaters, and I have to admit....they make me happy. Hopefully they'll fit the doggies that they are for. They fit the teddy bear I put them on. He wasn't too happy about wearing girly doggy sweaters.

It was a crocheterific weekend for me. Not only did I make the two little sweaters, I also made a sock. And yay! This one wasn't all deformed! I guess it pays to count the stitches as I go. So I decided to take apart the deformed sock and remake it. They're more along the lines of slipper'd have to be wearing large shoes to fit these in them. But they are lovely and warm. I hope to finish the other one tonight.

I haven't decided yet if I'm going to keep them or put them into my stash of Christmas party prizes. My goal for this party is to have lots of lovely handmade stuff. (For those of you who don't know...I've been having an annual cookie exchange party...with games and prizes.) Mom is going to help me by making a bunch of really cute and fun potholders-out of courdoroy and flannels. There are such cute things in the fabric stores right almost makes me wish I had the patience or desire to learn how to sew properly. Almost. For some reason its just not that fun for me. Maybe when I retire I'll get bored enough to do that.

I never made it to the apple orchard. But only because I went to the farmer's market Saturday morning and there were lots of apples there. I really love being in an apple-growing area. All those fantastic apples! I picked up a nice big bag of Honeycrisps that were picked that morning. So good! It was hard not to eat them all up at once. My digestion really thanks me for that...though it is angry with me for stuffing it full of all the other fibery goodies I picked it up. (Aren't you glad I shared that.) I'm going to be very sad when the farmer's market is over again. Its really a pity our growning season is so very short here.

On to exciting plans for tonight. After work, I'm going to run (well drive) home and change the oil in my car...then merrily jaunt over to the furniture store. A new bed and chair (if I find one I like) are in my future! Woohoo! I've been waiting for the bed I want to go on sale, and it is! I have a bed to sleep on (though I've been on the couch with this horrid cold-it keeps alternating between my head and chest), so there wasn't a desperate need for it.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Great Galloping Ghosts, Batman!

So...there's no ghosts, and I have nothing to say about just seemed like a nice title.

Well, last night was very exciting. I came home....and proceeded to rest on the couch. I've finally started watching my Netflix movies again...they've been sitting by the tv for weeks now. (Yay for getting to keep them as long as I want!)

I watched Amelie. Now, I'm generally not a big fan of foreign movies. I'd rather be able to listen to the words instead of read them. (I like to work on crafty items while the tv is on.) But this one was really worth it. I didn't want to look away. Its a beautiful movie, and is so charming and completely adorable. I'm glad I finally watched it. I highly recommend seeing it. I've been rather sick, wasn't feeling well...and it still had me sitting there smiling-it was that delightful, I wasn't tempted to turn it off and take a nap at all. I can't think of a movie to compare it with...but if you haven't seen it yet-do. Very good.

I forgot to cover my plants last night I'm not sure if they survived. There was frost on the grass this morning, but the plants are close enough to the side of the building that they might be ok yet. I also didn't pick the ripe tomatoes, so that's the plan for this evening. Pick them all before they freeze. It seems to early for plants just got going nicely...and now they're going to die.

Tonight, my goal is to put together some packages to take to the post office. I've been rather lax in my mailing of goodies. Also to do a bit of cleaning and perhaps start my attempt at crocheting a pink doggy sweater. Sounds like fun, doesn't it!?

If I'm feeling up to it, I'm going to head over to Maple Leaf Orchards and pick up some apples. They have so many good ones there. And you can go into their barn and just walk the isle of bins of apples, tons of different kinds, and they let you taste them before you buy them. (I buy the seconds...the ones that aren't absolutely perfect...cheaper and almost perfect.) I'm hoping for some pears again this year. Last year they had pears very fantastic! And I don't even like pears. And apple cider! SO GOOD! This year, I'm only going to make applesauce. I still have quite a few jars of apple butter left over from last year. And eat apples of course. At some point my mommy is going to come over and help make good appley things, but I want to get a little start on it first...and check out what they all have this year.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tea-rifficly fun TV!

Well, the vacation was successful. The weather cooperated and the leaves were starting their shift to the lovely fall colors. They were just starting when we got there, and were in full color mode when we left. Yay fall!

Unfortunately for me, I came down with the plague on Wednesday night. We were leaving Thursday morning, so that wasn't a big hamper on the vacationing fun.

Then Saturday was park wedding time. My cousin had a very casual and fun reception. The coldness and outdoors part didn't help me beat off the plague though.

I've spent most of this week in a drug-induced stupor. I woke up much better today though...I don't have to share my barking cough nearly as much. Hopefully by the end of the weekend I can go back into my bed at night, rather than being propped up on the couch. (It helps me breathe to not lie flat.)

Happy note.....
I hooked up my digital convertor box for the tv. I get more channels now. Yipee! I got in two pbs stations (oddly enough, it doesn't pick up the pbs I used to be able to get in), cbs, and some weather channel that I didn't have before. Now I can watch Ghost Whisperer as its on tv rather than waiting until the dvds come out. Woohoo! Too bad for me I'll be a season behind though. Last year's season just came available on Netflix, and I haven't watched any of it yet. I jumped it to the top of my list now though, so I won't be behind for long. Its strange not to be watching fuzzy shows anymore...or having the picture change based on where I'm sitting or standing. Its rather sad to think that there won't be little kids watching the "black bugs" fighting with the "white bugs" with a glimpse of some cartoon every so often.

Today I'm still attempting to drown the plague bugs that are in me...drinking lots of ginger ale and teas. I've opened a new box of tea here...Lipton's Vanilla Caramel Truffle. It sounded rather tasty. It smells dreadful though. But tastes good. Which is strange, usually things don't taste as good as they smell, but its the opposite in this case. I really need to start drinking more teas. I like to buy them all, and I have an absurdly large collection going. Not to mention, I just ordered another $50 worth from Adagio. They've got really good teas there, and a good price. And they come in such Cute containers! I really love the little sample sized stuff, enough to try the tea, but not a lot of it, so you don't waste it if you don't like it. Lots of it makes really excellant iced tea as well. I'm a little excited about it, because they have thier holiday teas in I can pick up more of the ones I liked...and try some of the ones I haven't had yet.