Friday, October 3, 2008

Great Galloping Ghosts, Batman!

So...there's no ghosts, and I have nothing to say about just seemed like a nice title.

Well, last night was very exciting. I came home....and proceeded to rest on the couch. I've finally started watching my Netflix movies again...they've been sitting by the tv for weeks now. (Yay for getting to keep them as long as I want!)

I watched Amelie. Now, I'm generally not a big fan of foreign movies. I'd rather be able to listen to the words instead of read them. (I like to work on crafty items while the tv is on.) But this one was really worth it. I didn't want to look away. Its a beautiful movie, and is so charming and completely adorable. I'm glad I finally watched it. I highly recommend seeing it. I've been rather sick, wasn't feeling well...and it still had me sitting there smiling-it was that delightful, I wasn't tempted to turn it off and take a nap at all. I can't think of a movie to compare it with...but if you haven't seen it yet-do. Very good.

I forgot to cover my plants last night I'm not sure if they survived. There was frost on the grass this morning, but the plants are close enough to the side of the building that they might be ok yet. I also didn't pick the ripe tomatoes, so that's the plan for this evening. Pick them all before they freeze. It seems to early for plants just got going nicely...and now they're going to die.

Tonight, my goal is to put together some packages to take to the post office. I've been rather lax in my mailing of goodies. Also to do a bit of cleaning and perhaps start my attempt at crocheting a pink doggy sweater. Sounds like fun, doesn't it!?

If I'm feeling up to it, I'm going to head over to Maple Leaf Orchards and pick up some apples. They have so many good ones there. And you can go into their barn and just walk the isle of bins of apples, tons of different kinds, and they let you taste them before you buy them. (I buy the seconds...the ones that aren't absolutely perfect...cheaper and almost perfect.) I'm hoping for some pears again this year. Last year they had pears very fantastic! And I don't even like pears. And apple cider! SO GOOD! This year, I'm only going to make applesauce. I still have quite a few jars of apple butter left over from last year. And eat apples of course. At some point my mommy is going to come over and help make good appley things, but I want to get a little start on it first...and check out what they all have this year.

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