Wednesday, October 8, 2008


More tea has arrived. I suppose there's worse things to collect. It has become rather ridiculous though.

My apartment looks like a couple of garden fairies had a food fight in it. I made some hummus last night...and that always seems to dirty every dish I own. (One day I'll have a food processor and it will be so easy!) Add in remains of lots of cut up veggies....and mixings of the layered taco dip....mail....and stacks of pressies to mail to other people....and its really disgusting. There's a little party thing here at work today...and I forgot about it until about 8 last I had to hurry. Sure, I could have bought already made up hummus...and already cut up veggies...and didn't need to make a taco thing too....but that's no fun.

So...I was up late last night...and finished things up this morning. My hands still smell like celery and roasted garlic. Apparently the scent of them has soaked into them to the point where soap won't get it out. Good thing I have this cold and can't smell it too well.

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