Tuesday, October 28, 2008

NaNoWriMo! Eeek!

I believe I did a silly thing yesterday...perhaps even sillier than buying a tin whistle to irritate my neighbors with. (Though I'm sure they're used to it...after all I hit my snooze button for about an hour every morning...I hate getting up.) I signed up for NaNoWriMo. Now, I never really had an urge to write a novel...and haven't really written anything since college. Add in that I'm trying to make a bunch of my Christmas presents, and learn to play that whistle....probably not the wisest decision.

So far, I've been trying to think of some way to be able to have enough story in me to write that many words...and have it still kind of go together. My good idea is to start with a normal story...when I run out of things to say...kill them all off and turn them into zombies. As far as a starting point...I'm toying with the idea of starting with one of my crazy dreams. (Last night's involved stepping into an alternate reality by climbing up the inside of a wall.) Its still an awful lot of words to write. Perhaps it'll turn into generations of zombies. Ha! Actually...that's rather amusing to me...maybe I'll do that. Hee hee hee! Still not sure where I'm going to carve out the time to do this. Granted I don't do much....we'll see how it goes.

Other than that...the swelling in my ankle has gone down some. Wheee! It probably would have disappeared a whole lot earlier if I hadn't been poking at it. It didn't hurt enough to make me leave it alone.

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