Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tea-rifficly fun TV!

Well, the vacation was successful. The weather cooperated and the leaves were starting their shift to the lovely fall colors. They were just starting when we got there, and were in full color mode when we left. Yay fall!

Unfortunately for me, I came down with the plague on Wednesday night. We were leaving Thursday morning, so that wasn't a big hamper on the vacationing fun.

Then Saturday was park wedding time. My cousin had a very casual and fun reception. The coldness and outdoors part didn't help me beat off the plague though.

I've spent most of this week in a drug-induced stupor. I woke up much better today though...I don't have to share my barking cough nearly as much. Hopefully by the end of the weekend I can go back into my bed at night, rather than being propped up on the couch. (It helps me breathe to not lie flat.)

Happy note.....
I hooked up my digital convertor box for the tv. I get more channels now. Yipee! I got in two pbs stations (oddly enough, it doesn't pick up the pbs I used to be able to get in), cbs, and some weather channel that I didn't have before. Now I can watch Ghost Whisperer as its on tv rather than waiting until the dvds come out. Woohoo! Too bad for me I'll be a season behind though. Last year's season just came available on Netflix, and I haven't watched any of it yet. I jumped it to the top of my list now though, so I won't be behind for long. Its strange not to be watching fuzzy shows anymore...or having the picture change based on where I'm sitting or standing. Its rather sad to think that there won't be little kids watching the "black bugs" fighting with the "white bugs" with a glimpse of some cartoon every so often.

Today I'm still attempting to drown the plague bugs that are in me...drinking lots of ginger ale and teas. I've opened a new box of tea here...Lipton's Vanilla Caramel Truffle. It sounded rather tasty. It smells dreadful though. But tastes good. Which is strange, usually things don't taste as good as they smell, but its the opposite in this case. I really need to start drinking more teas. I like to buy them all, and I have an absurdly large collection going. Not to mention, I just ordered another $50 worth from Adagio. They've got really good teas there, and a good price. And they come in such Cute containers! I really love the little sample sized stuff, enough to try the tea, but not a lot of it, so you don't waste it if you don't like it. Lots of it makes really excellant iced tea as well. I'm a little excited about it, because they have thier holiday teas in I can pick up more of the ones I liked...and try some of the ones I haven't had yet.

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